*********************** * A u d i o A p p s * *********************** /Apps/AudioApps Audio Applications, public domain and ShareWare. Using 11.6 MB AudioChallenger Release 1.5 Audio Challenger randomly generates ascending and descending melodic musical intervals which can be used in assisting music students in trying to improve their ability to aurally identify musical intervals. AutoScore Automatically plays score music files Bessie Release 1.1 Interactive tutorial for learning about Frequency Modulation synthesis Chaos Version 1.0 Music from Nonlinear Dynamical Systems CSound by Pete Yadlowsky Sound processing edsnd Version 1.42 A simple soundfile editor. FrontEnd Version 1.2.0 Yet Another Mac To NeXT Sound Convertor GISO Version 3 by Nicholas Christopher Giso is just a wrapper for Lance Norskog's sox program. The sox program lets you convert many sound types back and forth amongst each other as well as create some effects. Includes source code. Halloween A little dance number on your NeXT HETRO Version 1.0 10/89 Heterodyne Filter Analysis Linear Predictive Coding Version 1.0 by Pete Yadlowsky LPC performs linear predictive and pitch tracking analyses respectively on a monaural shortsam or float soundfile. Mixer Version 1.02 A mixer for sound files mac2snd (Run in a Unix shell) Here's a quick little hack that takes Mac 8-bit digitized sound files, and converts them to NeXT 16-bit sound files. ModPlayer Version 2.5 This application plays music mod files. A large selection of mod files are available elsewhere on this disc. Resound Version 1.0 A modular sound editor A great sound editor with source code Reverb Version 1.3 Reverb in real-time on an input signal. Sonogram Sonogram ± A Signal Analyzer / Editor Version 0.90(Beta) This program allows you to analyze time-frequency characteristics of non-stationary signals. It displays "sonogram" ± two dimensional density plot of sound energy distribution. StartupSound StartupSound is a small program that play a sound file called Startup.snd when it launches, and quit itself automatically after it finished playing. SNDed A different kind of sound editor. Sound Player+ by Hugh Allan (ShareWare) This player plays Microsoft Wave, Amiga 8SVX and NeXT sound files. Studio3 Setup Version 1.0 A program to configure your Opcode Studio3 MIDI interface. SysX Version 1.0 MIDI System Exculsive Receiver/Transmitter Tuner by Christopher Lane Tuner is a software chromatic tuner for determining the musical pitch of a sound as well as how close that pitch is to the established value for the note. Tuner listens on the NeXT's CODEC microphone input and computes a frequency for the sound it samples. Voicing Editor Version 1.1 An extensible program for editing DSP synthesis viocings Z-quencer Version 1.0 A MIDI sequencer for the NeXT computer